

相 信您都知道JoAnne救助了一隻被虐待的哈士奇,JoAnne也很盡責的讓哈士奇散步有適當的運動及外出玩要。不幸的是,台中市的公園們卻因為某一小部 份狗主人的不負責而不讓狗兒們使用公共公間。所以JoAnne在這裡設計並發行這樣的"國民溜狗運動",希望教育民眾溜狗時應有的禮貌及注意事項,營造狗 兒能正確的使用公共空間。

我們也正著手設計"國民溜狗禮貌"的小海報,若有需要的朋友也可以留言來索取,我們的經費有限,若您可以捐助經 費印製更多的海報來教育更多的民眾,我們所有的狗兒們就可以很快的使用公共空間哦!有興趣的朋友請email JoAnne 謝謝朋友們的支持哦!


《國民溜狗禮貌運動 Good Dog Walking Manners

When dog walking, please use a leash and bring something to pick up after your dogs, for example: plastic bags, newspaper or pooper scoopers.


  1. We recommend the owners to bring along the dog’s favorite toy or treat. The dogs can go to parks or designated areas and interact with other dogs. It is also good bonding between the owner and the dogs. (One way to avoid dogs being abandoned is to build up a good owner-dog relationship.)
  2. The advantages of walking with a leash are: avoid distractions, preventing the dogs from jumping on people or over excitement when seeing other dogs.



When the passers by see the dogs, the owner should: 


  1. Inform others before walking by them if the dog is aggressive or tends to jump due to excitement.
  2. When walking by other dogs, inform the other owners if your dog is aggressive or in heat. If that’s the case, shorten the leash and create enough space between the dogs. Do so early to ensure safety.



When the passers by see the dogs, the owner should: 

  1. Shorten the leash, make your dog sit down or lay down, so the dog is calm and submissive. 



When the passers by see the dogs and want to pet them, the owner should:

  1. Shorten the leash, make your dog sit down or lay down, so the dog is calm and submissive. Then let your dog smell the person’s hand to be familiar with the scent.



When the passers by see the dogs and want to pat them, the owner should:

 a.  Shorten the leash, make your dog sit down or lay down, so the dog is calm and submissive. First let your dog smell the person’s hand to be familiar with the scent, then the person can softly pat the dog’s head or back.



When your dog poops, you should immediately pick up after your dog. Don’t create an unpleasant environment. Remember, when you do so, you are not only respecting the other people, you are also gaining respect for your dog.



The most important thing is, after you pick up the poop, don’t just throw it anywhere you want. Please make use of the trash cans or designated dog poop bins.


Remember: respect yourself, respect your dog, and respect others.  

Animals Taiwan Taichung invites you to be a good citizen and follow “Good Dog Walking Manners.”


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